Sunday, November 26, 2006

Not just a metaphoric gap ............?

How profound of of me. Sometimes I amaze myself and other people too !.
The gap in question refers to two things. Firstly the blog and photographs out of synch and the gaps in the restoration story.
The second is the gap in the sill end plate now I've attached the outer cover sill.
As you are all aware my laptop has been giving me grief ( a lot actually) as the photographs would not download, the Bloggers website just froze usually threequarters of the way down a newly created post. Or the laptop just switched itself off without rhyme or reason.
Good news. After a bit of wheeling and dealing I'm ( we also, as the whole family benefits)
the proud owner of a BT home hub. This means the ancient but reliable PC can also be connected to the broadband. The Laptop issue will have to be resolved at work after the crisis of new management is primed.
It transpires the cable of the Nikon camera is to blame for the photo errors.
It fried the laptop and the PC's USB connections. Repaired for £45 quid and now we're cookin on gas as they say.
Back to the restoration though.
The castle rail sill is on. Welded like no other. Gone a bit overboard actually but what the hell.
Spent ages fettling the inner membrane sill and drilling about 30 five mm holes for plug welds.
The plug welds were a swine. It took me about seven weak and crap welds before I realised
that maybe eight mm holes are better. Typical fufferfour. Do the job again but this time much better. Spent even longer offering up the outer sill after hours grinding down all the plug and seam welds done. All this took place throughout October when the weather was good each weekend. Now I'm rushing a little to get the sill complete before the rain starts every weekend. But, the cover sill was welded on, on the top seam last week, and today I completed the rest of the welding on the sill. I even repaired the "A" Post hole with a nicely fitting patch. The sill end cover was welded on at the rear.

To keep it interesting here is a picture of the sill during a trial fit.

NOTE.... the hi-tech shovel holding the outer sill and wing bottom in place!!!!.................
Well it was the only thing that fitted at the time.

Pity the gap under the door though. Its about eight to ten mm. There was no way it could be any less. I'm hoping the door ( which has been on and off several times) is aligned poorly.
If not another job for the welder when its doorskin time. Once everloving wifey has purchased said cable for the ( her ) Camera I'll post the photo's of my handiwork so far.
The next jobs are :- Hole in floor near spring hanger. Cut away. grind. fit patch and weld.
Gutter section on front wing/bonnet side gutter. same as above.
Then yipee.........................weld or glue on rear outer wing ( wifey's buying it me for christmas)
Be patient folks......................................its getting there.